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Lambdas Oracle MOOC

Java 8 Lambda

Section 1

– Need changes to Java to simplify parallel coding.
– Lambda expressions simplify how to pass behavior as a parameter.

-Show the differences through Java basic code, inner classes and lambdas.

Non-functional (imperative) programming style versus functional.

Problem: external iteration.
After: more functional with inner classes;
And then: lambda approach, more concise, less code (error-prone), client logic is stateless, thread-safe.

The lambda expression provides the implementation of the abstract method. The type is the abstract method.

@FunctionalInterface -> Functional Interface = an interface with one abstract method; default doesn’t count. The equals also doesn’t count in therms of abstract method.

Variable assignment: Callable c = () -> process();

Method parameter: mew Thread(() -> process()).start();

Lambda expressions can be used anywhere the type is a functional interface.

– A functional interface has only one abstract method.

The lambda expression provides the implementation of the single abstract method of the functional interface.

java.util.function Package


Operation that takes a single value and return no result: String s -> System.out.println(s) .

Example: String s -> System.out.println(s);


Takes two values and returns no result.

Example: (k,v) -> System.out.println(“key: ” + k + “, value: ” + v);


The opposite of a Consumer. Doesn’t take any parameter and returns a value.

Example: ( ) -> createLogMessage();


Takes one argument, do something and returns a result.

Example: Student s -> s.getName();


Takes two arguments and returns a result.

Example: (String name, Student s) -> new Teacher(name, student);


Kind function: single argument and result of the same type.

  • T apply(T a)

Example: String s -> s.toLowerCase();


Specialised form of BiFunction: two arguments and a result, all of the same type.

  • T apply(T a, T b)

Example: (String x, String y) -> { if (x.length() > y.length()) return x; return y; }


A boolean valued function of one argument:

Example: Student s -> s.graduationYear() == 2011


Takes two arguments

Example: (Student s, int minGrade) -> s.grade <= minGrade

Method and constructor references

FileFilter x = (File f) -> f.canRead();

FileFilter x = File::canRead;

External variables

Final or effective final.

Link to the on line free Oracle course.